Carnival ! 🎭

Image - Steven Lasry

Carnival is the festive season before Lent. Lent is the 40 day season of fasting, prayer and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. For Christians who observe Lent, Carnival is the time to do everything you will give up before Lent.

Traditionally, Pre-Lenten Carnivals are celebrated all over the world, the most well-known carnivals are in New Orleans (Mardi Gras), Trinidad and Brazil.

Carnival Season ( January 6 - Tuesday before Ash Wednesday of the year) is when Carnival participants prepare for Carnival with music, activities and making beautiful costume, floats and doing annual rituals til Carnival Day.

This year, Carnival starts from Thursday, February 16, 2023 to Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Due to the previous years restrictions (COVID 19), many are traveling far and wide to celebrate. Here are some Pre-Carnival Celebrations currently taking place.

Brasil, Pre-Carnival 2023

Trinidad, Pre-Carnival 2023

New Orleans, Pre-Carnival 2023

Have you ever participated in Carnival? If so, where ? Let us know in the comments 🎭.

Carnival ! 🎭 } {} {}

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