Legend of St. Valentine ❤️
On February 14, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated. It’s a day to express your love for someone. Did you know that there are various origins for this day?
There are two martyrs ( both name Valentine) who were canonized by the Catholic Church who are associated with this holiday. One Legend states that in Ancient Rome, it was illegal for young men to get married as the ruler ot that time, Emperor Claudius II believed single men made better soldiers. Valentine who was a priest, secretly married couples. When his actions were discovered, he was put to death.
Another Legend is that Valentine was helping Christians escape harsh Roman prisons. Captured for his actions he was imprisioned himself and fell in love with the jailor’s daughter who had visited him. It is believed he wrote her a letter and signed it, “From your Valentine” - the first Valentine expression. Stories about St. Valentine grew during the Middle Ages which led to International Popularity.
Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day in the 5th Century. Over time, people have celebrated this day by giving friends and loved ones tokens of affection such roses, chocolates and Valentine’s Day Cards.
Here are two relaxing Valentine’s Day Instrumentals that are Urban Sweet Spot’s token of affection to you :
“Feelings” our first St. Valentine’s Day instrumental, is a smooth Dark RnB x Trapsoul two hour long track.
“Fleur” is an hour long RnB x Trapsoul instrumental :
Have a wonderful St. Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️ !